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river boat 江輪;內河船只。

river sand

The distribution among the little white permeable material alone pick carved jade tree , water spray , and the quiet river boats , three friends on board vessels on road , heart - to - heart to admire the view , carving vivid life , artistically composed of a lively night chibi map 中間分布的點點白色透水料獨玉摘雕松樹,流水浪花以及河面上靜靜的小船,三位友人船上船論道,賞景談心,人生雕刻生動,組成了一幅氣韻生動的夜游赤壁圖。

The distribution among the little attendants permeable material extraction alone jade carved pine , water spray , and the quiet river boat in the boat to admire the view of the poet , carving vivid characters , the characters formed a lively you cliff map 中間分布的點點翠色透水料獨玉摘雕松樹,流水浪花以及河面上靜靜的小船,船上的詩人賞景,人物雕刻生動,組成了一幅氣韻生動的游赤壁圖。

Our company are specialize in manufacturing inflatable products , such as river boat , canoe , kayak , leisure boat , pvc air mattress , pf air mattress , air bag , air pillow , various raincoat 我公司是專業生產充氣類產品的,產品有:急流舟,沖鋒舟,獨木舟,休閑舟, pvc空氣床,植絨空氣床,充氣袋,充氣枕,各類雨衣。

According to ward , it was widely thought that while ancient egyptians often traveled along the nile in smaller river boats , they did not have the technological ability to voyage long distances 沃德說: “考古界一直普遍認為,盡管古埃及人曾常常乘小舟順著尼羅河旅行,但他們不具備長途航海的技術能力。

At the same time , increasing quantities of stone and other raw materials were being transported to harappa , probably by oxcarts and flat - bottomed river boats 同時,越來越多的石頭和其他原料運到哈拉帕,運送工具大概是牛車和平底河船。

You can ridethe river boat or take advantage of the many walking and hikingtrails around the canal 這里很象德州san antonio的人工水道,可以在水道中乘舟暢游。

Technical requirements of televisual control system for traffic safety of river boat 內河交通安全電視監視系統技術要求